第一种情况是请病假。如果你由于生病无法上课或工作,可以这样向外教请假:“I\’m sorry but I have caught a cold and won\’t be able to come to the class tomorrow. Can I take a sick day?(很抱歉,我感冒了,明天不能来上课了。可以请个病假吗?)”如果病情比较严重,可以说:“I have a high fever and I am unable to come to work for the next few days. Can I take medical leave?(我发高烧了,接下来几天不能上班。可以请病假吗?)”
另外一种情况是请事假。如果你有紧急情况需要请假,可以这样向外教请假:“I\’m sorry but there\’s an urgent matter I need to attend to tomorrow. Can I take a personal day off?(很抱歉,明天有紧急事情需要处理。可以请个事假吗?)”如果是参加亲朋好友的重要活动,可以说:“My best friend is getting married this weekend and I would like to take a day off for the celebration. Can I have a day off for personal reasons?(我最好的朋友这个周末要结婚,我想请一天假去参加庆祝活动。可以因私事请一天假吗?)”
第三种情况是请长期假期,比如放暑假或者寒假。这时候可以这样向外教请假:“I would like to inform you that I am going on summer vacation and will be away for three weeks. Can I take annual leave during this period?(我想告诉你,我要度假三周。可以在这段时间请年假吗?)”或者:“I will be taking winter holiday from December 25th to January 1st. Can I apply for leave during this time?(我会从12月25日到1月1日休寒假。可以在这段时间申请休假吗?)”
在向外教请假时,要注意礼貌和提前通知。可以在请假邮件或者口头请假时加上一些礼貌用语,比如“Sorry for the inconvenience(对给您带来的不便表示抱歉)”、“I understand that this may cause some inconvenience(我明白这可能会带来一些不便)”等。另外,最好提前请假,给外教更多的时间来调整课程或安排其他事务。
总结一下,请假时向外教表达的英语用语有:sick day(病假)、medical leave(医疗假)、personal day off(事假)、annual leave(年假)、winte
r holiday(寒假)、sorry for the inconvenience(对给您带来的不便表示抱歉)等。无论是请病假、事假还是长期假期,正确且礼貌地向外教请假是非常重要的。希望本文对大家有所帮助。